Hello! My name is Sam Sollenberger. I'm starting this website and blogging experience as a way to share what we do and our experiences along the way. Where to begin? My husband, Willie, and I purchased our farm in 2019. We just had our first child, Corbin, in February and celebrated our first wedding anniversary five days before purchasing. Needless to say, our first year of marriage was eventful!
I'll never forget the feelings of excitement, ambition, and fear all wrapped up in one. The old farm house was (and still is) a complete gut job project. The only other buildings on the property are a metal barn and an old shed. It's amazing what my husband has accomplished in a couple short years. If starting an old farm and house from scratch wasn't stressful and crazy enough, we added our daughter, Hallie, to the family in the middle of it in October 2020.
As for our livestock, we raise boer goats and pigs. We currently have 30 nannies and 2 billies...and I honestly haven't counted how many kids are up there right now. HA. We like to sell our goats to local youth for 4-H projects and the rest are sold at market or kept to replenish the herd. The pigs are raised for feeder pigs. Willie is the mastermind behind all this. He amazes me on his knowledge of animals, equipment, crops, you name it. I'm learning as we go and becoming more confident everyday. I grew up on a small beef farm and Willie grew up on a hog finishing farm where they also had dairy cows and goats.
I hope, if you are reading this, you enjoy. This project is half for me to share our experience and half to learn from others who are willing to comment along the way.