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Updated: Mar 12, 2023

It's the first day of March and I am awake at 3 am due to the ongoing heartburn, cramping legs, and just the inability to stay asleep.....Is this how my fellow goat nannies feel as we prepare for them to deliver in the next few weeks and me not until April??? I feel ya, mommas. I feel ya.

We anxiously await our next round of kidding because they are out of our newest billy, Arnold's Time Well Spent Newman. He is by far the nicest billy we have had thus far, so we anticipate a great new line of stock that will improve the genetics of our herd.

We've had some fun milestones in our lives lately. Corbin turned 4 years old in February. How did that happen? He is such a great kiddo and sooo ornery. He knows how to melt his momma's heart beyond what words can describe. Can you say, "momma's boy?" Don't worry though, I take second place the second daddy says he's working in any type of equipment. He loves helping his dad on the farm and nothing will beat that skidloader.

Hallie had turned 2 in October. She grows more and more everyday and her independent, sassy attitude does, too! Can we say, "daddy's girl?" Haha. Don't worry there though, she still needs her momma and loves helping me with anything that makes her feel useful. She is our animal girl. She loves the baby goats and can't wait to get in with them and see who will nibble her sleeve first. She can't get enough of her "Sweetie Pie". She reminds me so much of myself and I just love the strong girl she is growing to be.

The house! We have walls, like actual walls. Drywall was finished in the past few weeks and now we await trim and carpet. Willie worked so hard to get us to where we are today. How amazing is he? One man basically remodeled a whole house on his! We can't forget our awesome helpers along the way. God has a funny way of putting people in your life at just the right moment.

As we approach the Easter season, I reflect a lot on the idea that someone loved me so much to die on the cross for my sins. What a sacrifice and love! As I know I don't deserve it, I think what a love that must be. I've never been more humbled than by my God. I fall short of His glory everyday, but yet He seeks me out by name. He has blessed me more than I can ever thank Him enough for: family, career, life, our farm, and everything in between.

Needless to say, life is good. Even on the bad days, we can still find something to be thankful for. Now we await the arrival of our newest girl, Sadie. Saddle up, everyone. It's going to be one crazy ride!

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