It's been a while since my last post, but let's be honest, we've been busy! 🙃 Raising a 3 and 1 year old is hard enough, but add a new farm and a house remodel on top of got crazy!
We've had some changes over this time:
1) No more pigs. It wasn't any easy decision, but we just weren't equipped to house that many at once. One thing we've learned we'll need for when we get them again is concrete floors wherever they are. They are quite the diggers/rooters.
2) We've downsized on the goat herd. Another not easy decision, but it had to be done. As much as a farmer always wants to grow, you have to remember to "live within your means". With us both working full time, 2 very active little ones, a house remodel, and just life in general it kept us from being able to keep up. It's not fair to the goats or us.
Positive note...we are working and investing towards stronger genetics and good mothers. We're able to replenish our older nannies with a younger stock coming from proven good moms. Can't beat them.
3) Our house is coming along much quicker (kind of...ha). Willie has been working so hard with the help of some friends to take an old farmhouse and turn it into our home. There is still a long way to go, but progress is progress...right!?
4) CHICKENS! I said I'd never have them and here we go. With recent health issues and wanting my kids to have a healthier diet, we are investing is laying hens and a few meat chickens. We'll see how a few go and go from there. 🤞
5) TWO cows....we just can't resist those helpless bottle babies. Moo Moo and Daisy are a fun, new addition!